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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Take the edge off your noisy white noise!

I recently blogged about a website called which is a great site for grabbing a little peace for your busy day.  In the course of my research I learned about one home office worker who uses "white noise" and "pink noise" to work in virtual silence.  His claim is that eventually the human ear/mind will block out or ignore the white noise and leave you in virtual silence.  I haven't tried it that long, but I can say that it's a bit "trance-inducing".  I find myself being able to relax without having the urge to pee (like I do when I listen to the "babbling brook").  Sometimes just having light noise can make it much easier to concentrate than nothing at all.  Definitely worth a try...check it out!

Free white noise! - White Noise - Because tinnitus sucks.

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